Special Olympics provides year-round sports trainings and competitions in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with developmental disabilities. Special Olympics is proud to serve more than 19,940 athletes in Northern California, 26,000 athletes in Southern California, and 3,525 athletes in Northern Nevada.
Flyers Energy has been a corporate sponsor of Special Olympics Northern California since 1998 donating more than 4 million dollars through direct sponsorship, an annual golf tournament, the Polar Plunge, and our storewide fundraising campaign. Funds are raised and distributed throughout California and Northern Nevada. 93% of contributions is spent on sports trainings, competitions, and other programs. Donate now.
Flyers Energy team members and vendors have the privilege of seeing the great work of Special Olympics in action at the annual Summer Games. Enthusiastic team members volunteer in competitions and provide support and encouragement throughout the event.
Flyers Energy is proud to host and be a part of different fundraising events throughout the year that include our quarterly Storewide Fundraising, annual Polar Plunge in March, Special Olympics Summer Games, and the annual Golf Tournament.
Aside from corporate donations to our customers and their causes, Flyers Energy team members nominate charities and organizations that they support. From soccer team jerseys to engineering competitions to school fundraisers, Flyers Energy donates or sponsors on behalf of the team member.